Button Three
Button Four
WELCOME TO 800x600
'The Way We Were'

Take a seat, grab a coffee, put your feet up and immerse yourself in the world of 4:3 in this, my cosy corner of the internet. I hope you like exciting real-time fiction, or reading about speedrunning, or any other of the things I decide this page is to be about. If not, you're still more than welcome to poke around and at least look at the pictures. <3
- Vic Jameson aka Hypo (Version 33)
Another Chapter

Oh no!
"what people were calling good science fiction, they're now calling great science faction. Like a factual version of fiction. Very clever, and surprising that nobody has thought of it before."
- Wendy Air (Author and Mindscaper)

'Trapped In Space' is back with a fresh instalment, and our trapped astronaut really has to get to grips with the three proper sciences to solve her space-problems. I have also decided to coin the phrase 'mindscaper' to mean somebody whose literary genius is so great they landscape the minds of the reader. Like a word gardener spattering their seed.

Click Here to read the sixth exciting chapter.
Or click Here to read it from the first exciting chapter.

Literature has never felt so fresh and sexy.
-Vic (Hypo)
Doctor Who and The Speedrun of Terror - Part 2

Who's that

The Retro Speedruns page has had an update. Part 2 of my deep dive into routing and running the BBC Micro classic, Doctor Who and The Mines of Terror, has just been released into the wild. Be gentle with it.

This is a direct link to Part 2.
And This is a direct link to Part 1, in case you missed it.

Got to go fast!
-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter the 5th

'Trapped In Space', the real-time novel experiment that has been rocking the internet like a digital orgasm has had an update.

Click Here to be taken to start of the new chapter.
Or click Here to read it from chapter one.

You know you like it.
-Vic (Hypo)
The Frequently Requested Update

I realise that I have a lot to make up for - a full 50 pixels. So, in order to try and brush the error highlighted in the previous update under the carpet, I present to you a shiny new thing.

The FAQs
That's right, no 800x600 website is complete without a list of Frequently Asked Questions that absolutely nobody asked for (see left). Button 5 has finally shrugged off its mantle of anonymity and is now proud to be a portal to all the answers for the questions you had, but were too afraid to ask - or just couldn't be bothered to ask.

Answering the important questions.
-Vic (Hypo)
A Shocking Error

I could just claim that I'm making some 'style changes', but in reality I am fixing a terrible and shameful error. "But what terrible error are you admitting, Hypo?" I imagine hearing you ask.

True 4:3
You ask a great question, dear reader. It is with a heavy heart that I admit that the index page (this very page upon which your eyes gaze), and the 'My Writing' page were 50 pixels too high to be true 4:3 ratio.

Rest assured, these errors have been remedied and the person responsible will be duly punished.

Slowly rebuilding trust.
-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter 4 Anyone?

Chapter 4 of 'Trapped In Space' - a bold new idea in novel publishing - has just gone live!

I know you've been holding your breath (not literally) for this instalment of, what some* have called, 'the best science fiction ever'.
[*it was mostly me]

Click Here to be taken directly to Chapter 4.
Or click Here to experience the excitement from the very start.

May your eyes and mind rejoice!
-Vic (Hypo)
Huge Update

The Retro Speedrunning page has just landed like a kick in the head!


There's a little introduction to speedrunning, as well as part one of my Doctor Who and The Mines of Terror speedrunning story. I've tried not to be too technical, in-depth or tedious, and I hope I've found the right balance between entertaining and genuinely informative.

At the moment, if you want to know more, feel free to ask away on my Guestbook. That's probably the best way of getting through to me at the moment.

Hope you love it.
-Vic (Hypo)
Just A Quickie

Chapter 3 of my exciting, real-time novel publishing experiment 'Trapped In Space' is up and ready for your eager eyes. Here is a link directly to Chapter 3. And Here is where you can click to enjoy the nail-biting adventure from the beginning.

-Vic (Hypo)
An Opus In Progress

Well it worked for some people, so I have decided to create an exciting novel and update it, in real time-ish, publicly. You can see how the writing process works, how plots develop and get in on the ground floor of some ground-breaking and, even if I do say so myself, floor-breaking literature.

The story is quite an original one, even if I do say so myself, featuring a woman who has become trapped in space. Hence the title 'Trapped In Space'. I refrained from placing an exclamation mark in the title, but rest assured, it absolutely deserves one.

Here is where you can find my most competent writing. Buckle in, because it'll knock your eyes and your socks off! It can also be found linked via the first button on the left.

If you're interested in purchasing the film rights from me then I urge you to contact me in any way convenient to you. I do not have a fax machine, just for your fyi.

There will be updates. Oh yes, there will be updates.
-Vic (Hypo)
Thoughts on content

I'm trying to figure out the best way to format the sub-pages here. I'd like to try different styles - steering clear of the left panel navigation type thing.

I'm also considering embedding YouTube videos to showcase some of my retro speedruns. There are so many ways I could do that it requires more thought as to how I want them presented. I need to milk my design gland further.

Updates continue.
-Vic (Hypo)
The Guestbook Is Open

A website that looks like this is nothing without a Guestbook. And so taking the place of the generically bland 'Button Six' label, and forcing me to figure out how I want to style my links, is the Guestbook button. So go and sign it like it's 1999!

This has made me think that a bbs would also suit the feel of my site. That said, an empty bulletin board is worse than no bulletin board at all - as my old grandmother used to say - so maybe this isn't the time.

The site remains firmly under construction.
-Vic (Hypo)
First post!

A lot of what I post about will be speedrunning. I have, of late, been poking about with games from my childhood with an eye to speedrunning them. Retro speedruns are particularly special, because coming back to an old game with a new approach gives more life to these forgotten treasures.

'Doctor Who and The Mines of Terror' for the BBC Micro has been the oldest one that I released into the wild. I might make a dedicated page about that, because the final Any% run ended up not using a bunch of speedtech that I found, but it might be good for a 100% run.

Currently 'Mad Professor Mariarti' from 1990 is in my sights, but I intend to work on a long-form video about that later, so I'll keep that one close to my chest.

Yes, it's all still a work in progress - under construction, etc.
Keep coming back as I sporadically update.
-Vic (Hypo)