WELCOME TO 800x600
'The Way We Were'

Take a seat, grab a coffee, put your feet up and immerse yourself in the world of 4:3 in this, my cosy corner of the internet. I hope you like exciting real-time fiction, or reading about speedrunning, or any other of the things I decide this page is to be about. If not, you're still more than welcome to poke around and at least look at the pictures. <3
- Vic Jameson aka Hypo (Version 33)
The Defining Article

It says BOOB, lol
A fair and reasoned appraisal - that's what some might call my latest hard-hitting article, to be found in the Articles section. Much like the definite and the indefinite versions, this article will rock the very core of language! It's an article about a boy with an enormous head.

You might wonder what the image on the left has to do with the article. Well, there's only one way to find out, because the other way of me telling you outright is off the table, mainly due to churlishness on my part. There's an aspect of maintaining mystery to encourage your eager eyes to devour my tasty words also, but mostly churlishness.

I nourish your mind with my literary fibre.
-Vic (Hypo)
The Fall of Gregg Wallace

I urge you to read this.

Well, it's finally happened. We all knew it was coming - at least, those of us who followed Gregg Wallace more closely than the average, normal, non-obsessed person. Wallace is a sex pest - if the accusations are to be believed.

You know that feeling you get, like an itching in a primeval part of our instinctual neural system, telling you that something's wrong? Like a CGI face that falls into the uncanny valley, you can see its wrong, and that triggers something, a wariness, a discomfort? Gregg Wallace's life is firmly in that valley. The more you find out about Gregg Wallace, the more that pre-evolutionary alarm bell goes off.


The tale of Gregg Wallace is a strange one, and one that gets stranger the more you find out. I fell down the Wallace rabbit-hole several years ago, but the first niggle started long before that, when he was presenting a programme that puts members of the public in the position of historical military commanders. His spontaneous screeching of the word 'cavalry' accompanied by his waving arms made me sit up and take notice. I was watching an unpredictable lunatic.

Reading his Wikipedia article was like a water torture. Each subsequent drip of insane information adding to the last, reaching a crescendo of lunacy that you think can never be outdone, before Gregg Wallace outdoes it. His collection of wives in a home he doesn't live in. The child that he regrets. The physical transformation of his latest wife into a different woman. I knew this well was bottomless, and behold!

I don't gloat, much as I don't claim special powers when I predict the sun will rise in the morning, it was inevitable.

This isn't the end.
-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter 12


I know what you're thinking, and it's disgusting. But you're also thinking that it's been a while since my last update, right? Well, you aren't wrong, but I'm breaking that drought in the best way possible - a new chapter of 'Trapped In Space'.

If you haven't been keeping up with the novel in progress then let me assure you, you've been missing out. It's easy to start reading, even children do that, but do you have the sheer balls it takes to keep reading? I have faith in you, dear reader. That's why I provide you with the freshest and the finest of literature, right here, on 800x600!

Click Here to be taken to Chapter 12 directly.
Alternately, click Here to be introduced to the start of this epic opus.

Epic is a state of mind.
-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter 11

Pant-wettingly exciting
That's right, we're still in double figures with Chapter 11 of the seminal* and groundbreaking work, 'Trapped In Space'. I'm not sure why we might have slipped back into single digits, but we haven't done that, so all's good.
[*This doesn't mean it's covered in semen as I initially thought.]

But indeed, Chapter 11 on the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year after 2013, then another day afterwards. It's almost as if it was meant to be.

This chapter features the beleaguered crew of the Uvula, which I know a lot of you have been asking about. Granted, you haven't been asking me, but I'm sure you've been asking nonetheless. How are they holding up on their long and damaged trip back to Earth - if they'll even make it?!

Presented Here is a direct link to Chapter 11.
But Here is a link to the start of the adventure for those of a more sturdy disposition.

Dare you miss out? Double dare you?
-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter X

Chapter 10 of 'Trapped in Space' is available for your enjoyment and arousal in the 'My Writing' section. If you haven't experienced the exciting story so far then get with it grandad. Everyone else has been revelling in the edge-of-the-seat drama for ages whilst you've been letting culture pass you by.

In this chapter we return to Randi Wey - the one that's trapped in space - and find out how she's solving all her problems in a clever and literarily-engaging way.

Click Here to read Chapter 10 directly.
Or click Here to be presented with the clever literary engagement from Chapter 1.

Enjoyment is an obligation.
-Vic (Hypo)
Articulating About Gonks

This is not the Gonk you're looking for

A new article about Gonks I've been working on has just gone live. It took me to an interesting place and I think I have a much better grasp on the world in general now. Allow your own outlook to be clarified by clicking on either the above link, or on the 'Articles' button on the left. Or the link in that last sentence, that works too.

Want to learn what a Gonk even is? Want to implement methods to improve future festive gifts? Want to see another cute picture of my cat?

Assuming the answer to any of the above was 'yes', then expose yourself to my wisdom. Click here, or here, or even here. It's all the same link, but it's nice to have options.

-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter 9

Chapter 9 From Outer Space

You wait for ages, then two arrive one after the other. No, not testicles, not even boobs, nor anything else that usually turns up in pairs, but chapters of 'Trapped in Space'.

In this latest dramatic slice of literature we return to Main Mission Control and find out what everyone there is up to. Here's a hint: it's being concerned about a certain astronaut who might be in a titular pickle.

Click Here to be taken directly to the latest chapter.
Or click Here to be presented with my genius from the start.

Pickling titulars for your pleasure.
-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter 8

A strong woman battling space

The newest chapter of 'Trapped In Space' has just been exposed to the world in the 'My Writing' section. Chapter 8 sees our intrepid heroine, Randi Wey, discovering that she is in even more peril than you already thought - and you thought she was already in a lot of peril given her titular situation, I'm sure.

It's not the done thing to nominate yourself for the Nobel Prize in literature, but that doesn't mean one of my readers can't. Just saying.

Click Here to read the nail-biting 8th Chapter.
Or click Here to bite your nails from the beginning.

Working on my acceptance speech.
-Vic (Hypo)
The Wisdom Update

He has sent us... an article.
The final blank navigation button on the left, I understand now what it's been waiting for. It's been waiting for my 'teachings'. Well, it's also been waiting for me to make an appropriate landing page for all the articles and future articles to link from also, but I've done that now.

Look, I've gone to all the effort of making a stand-alone button, but for the 'Articles' section's inaugural outing, there's a link here too, so you don't have to move your mouse too far...

* Click here to view the Articles page *

The first tract of wisdom is about biscuits (UK biscuits, not US biscuits - a rabbit hole I don't dive down this time), but it's about so much more than that too. You should give it a read.

I've also darkened and additionally compressed the background image that these words hover over, both for bandwidth purposes and aesthetic ones.

I'm not the Messiah.
-Vic (Hypo)
Happy Terrahawks Day!

It's 10/10, so to celebrate 'Terrahawks Day', here's the first episode of Gerry Anderson's best series:

I loved Terrahawks as a child, and as an adult it inspired me to create the game that Ninestein plays at the beginning of the title sequence.

* Click here to go to the itch.io page for 'Terror Hawk' *
* It's free and opens in a new browser window *

Flaming Thunderbolts!
-Vic (Hypo)
'Trapped' Chapter 7

The latest chapter of 'Trapped In Space', inventively titled 'Chapter 7', has just been published. Things are getting tense in Main Mission Control in the immediate aftermath of the space accident.

Get on the bandwagon before it gets too popular so you can gatekeep the newer fandom and brag to your friends and family members that you've known about this for ages when it finally gets a Netflix adaptation.

Click Here to read Chapter 7.
Or click Here to read it from the very start.

Mindscaping like there's no tomorrow.
-Vic (Hypo)
The Kitten Update

Criminally adorable

In many ways, this isn't a very impressive update. But in one very important way it is the best update a website can have. It's a big picture of my cat looking deeply cute.

That's him on the right after being caught being gay and doing crimes. If you see this person on the street, don't approach them. They are considered cute and very dangerous.

He's a good boy really.
-Vic (Hypo)
Another Chapter

Oh no!
"what people were calling good science fiction, they're now calling great science faction. Like a factual version of fiction. Very clever, and surprising that nobody has thought of it before."
- Wendy Air (Author and Mindscaper)

'Trapped In Space' is back with a fresh instalment, and our trapped astronaut really has to get to grips with the three proper sciences to solve her space-problems. I have also decided to coin the phrase 'mindscaper' to mean somebody whose literary genius is so great they landscape the minds of the reader. Like a word gardener spattering their seed.

Click Here to read the sixth exciting chapter.
Or click Here to read it from the first exciting chapter.

Literature has never felt so fresh and sexy.
-Vic (Hypo)
Doctor Who and The Speedrun of Terror - Part 2

Who's that

The Retro Speedruns page has had an update. Part 2 of my deep dive into routing and running the BBC Micro classic, Doctor Who and The Mines of Terror, has just been released into the wild. Be gentle with it.

This is a direct link to Part 2.
And This is a direct link to Part 1, in case you missed it.

Got to go fast!
-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter the 5th

'Trapped In Space', the real-time novel experiment that has been rocking the internet like a digital orgasm has had an update.

Click Here to be taken to start of the new chapter.
Or click Here to read it from chapter one.

You know you like it.
-Vic (Hypo)
The Frequently Requested Update

I realise that I have a lot to make up for - a full 50 pixels. So, in order to try and brush the error highlighted in the previous update under the carpet, I present to you a shiny new thing.

The FAQs
That's right, no 800x600 website is complete without a list of Frequently Asked Questions that absolutely nobody asked for (see left). Button 5 has finally shrugged off its mantle of anonymity and is now proud to be a portal to all the answers for the questions you had, but were too afraid to ask - or just couldn't be bothered to ask.

Answering the important questions.
-Vic (Hypo)
A Shocking Error

I could just claim that I'm making some 'style changes', but in reality I am fixing a terrible and shameful error. "But what terrible error are you admitting, Hypo?" I imagine hearing you ask.

True 4:3
You ask a great question, dear reader. It is with a heavy heart that I admit that the index page (this very page upon which your eyes gaze), and the 'My Writing' page were 50 pixels too high to be true 4:3 ratio.

Rest assured, these errors have been remedied and the person responsible will be duly punished.

Slowly rebuilding trust.
-Vic (Hypo)
Chapter 4 Anyone?

Chapter 4 of 'Trapped In Space' - a bold new idea in novel publishing - has just gone live!

I know you've been holding your breath (not literally) for this instalment of, what some* have called, 'the best science fiction ever'.
[*it was mostly me]

Click Here to be taken directly to Chapter 4.
Or click Here to experience the excitement from the very start.

May your eyes and mind rejoice!
-Vic (Hypo)
Huge Update

The Retro Speedrunning page has just landed like a kick in the head!


There's a little introduction to speedrunning, as well as part one of my Doctor Who and The Mines of Terror speedrunning story. I've tried not to be too technical, in-depth or tedious, and I hope I've found the right balance between entertaining and genuinely informative.

At the moment, if you want to know more, feel free to ask away on my Guestbook. That's probably the best way of getting through to me at the moment.

Hope you love it.
-Vic (Hypo)
Just A Quickie

Chapter 3 of my exciting, real-time novel publishing experiment 'Trapped In Space' is up and ready for your eager eyes. Here is a link directly to Chapter 3. And Here is where you can click to enjoy the nail-biting adventure from the beginning.

-Vic (Hypo)
An Opus In Progress

Well it worked for some people, so I have decided to create an exciting novel and update it, in real time-ish, publicly. You can see how the writing process works, how plots develop and get in on the ground floor of some ground-breaking and, even if I do say so myself, floor-breaking literature.

The story is quite an original one, even if I do say so myself, featuring a woman who has become trapped in space. Hence the title 'Trapped In Space'. I refrained from placing an exclamation mark in the title, but rest assured, it absolutely deserves one.

Here is where you can find my most competent writing. Buckle in, because it'll knock your eyes and your socks off! It can also be found linked via the first button on the left.

If you're interested in purchasing the film rights from me then I urge you to contact me in any way convenient to you. I do not have a fax machine, just for your fyi.

There will be updates. Oh yes, there will be updates.
-Vic (Hypo)
Thoughts on content

I'm trying to figure out the best way to format the sub-pages here. I'd like to try different styles - steering clear of the left panel navigation type thing.

I'm also considering embedding YouTube videos to showcase some of my retro speedruns. There are so many ways I could do that it requires more thought as to how I want them presented. I need to milk my design gland further.

Updates continue.
-Vic (Hypo)
The Guestbook Is Open

A website that looks like this is nothing without a Guestbook. And so taking the place of the generically bland 'Button Six' label, and forcing me to figure out how I want to style my links, is the Guestbook button. So go and sign it like it's 1999!

This has made me think that a bbs would also suit the feel of my site. That said, an empty bulletin board is worse than no bulletin board at all - as my old grandmother used to say - so maybe this isn't the time.

The site remains firmly under construction.
-Vic (Hypo)
First post!

A lot of what I post about will be speedrunning. I have, of late, been poking about with games from my childhood with an eye to speedrunning them. Retro speedruns are particularly special, because coming back to an old game with a new approach gives more life to these forgotten treasures.

'Doctor Who and The Mines of Terror' for the BBC Micro has been the oldest one that I released into the wild. I might make a dedicated page about that, because the final Any% run ended up not using a bunch of speedtech that I found, but it might be good for a 100% run.

Currently 'Mad Professor Mariarti' from 1990 is in my sights, but I intend to work on a long-form video about that later, so I'll keep that one close to my chest.

Yes, it's all still a work in progress - under construction, etc.
Keep coming back as I sporadically update.
-Vic (Hypo)